Do you enjoy our newsletters and value keeping in the know of where the green building industry is headed but maybe don't see yourself delving into all of the resources the full membership offers? We offer a 'Supporter' level where you can simply give a donation of your choice to the CCGBC on a one-time basis, or whenever you feel inspired! Any funding goes directly to keeping these newsletters packed full of valuable information.
The Central Coast Green Building Council is incorporated as a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and relies on tax-deductible contributions for financial aid. Your continuous support brings us closer towards reaching our goals. Any contribution is greatly appreciated!
To Donate by Venmo Scan Here:
To make a donation by check, please address to:
Ten Over Studios
ATTN: Candice Wong; Central Coast Green Building Council
539 Marsh St.
San Luis Obispo,CA 93401
Thank you for your contribution to keeping our mission to continue the transformation of the Central Coast into a sustainable community, economy, and environment through the education and advocacy of green building design, construction, and operational excellence. - CCGBC
If you want to donate to our Green Schools program specifically, increments of $500 are greatly appreciated, because that is how much 1 mini grant is per school. However, any amount that is donated to his program will go to help green our schools!
*Make a note in the comment box that you want your donation to go to Green Schools.*
There is also the option to sponsor the entire program and if this is of interest to you, contact for the application.