Click Here to read the News Blog re-cap of the event: Congratulations 2017 Green Awards Winners!
Jennifer Mclntyre For over two decades Jennifer has worked to build sustainable policies with a focus on collaborative partnerships. She is a past multi-year chair of the USGBC Central Coast Chapter’s Green Schools Committee and past Board Member. Her passions lie with K-12 education, “creating sustainable schools leads the way to blueprints for sustainable communities.” Ms. McIntyre currently is part of the Facilities Department at Sunrun Solar creating green progressive workspaces nationwide. She served as Commercial Recycling Manager for the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority for twelve years and has over a decade of experience in working in for local homebuilders. While at the SLOCO IWMA she won awards from the State of CA and the EPA for beginning the most comprehensive Household and Small Business Hazardous and Universal Waste Program in the United States. After completing her degree at UMass Amherst in Sustainability Studies she became focused on the built environment and followed suit to become a LEED AP, BD+C. Jennifer loves construction projects particularly with her family at home and has now volunteered on several solar installs for low income residents through the GRID Alternatives Partnership. Steven Nelson Steve has been designing, building and selling construction projects for over 25 years. During that time, he has excelled as a multitalented building consultant with a unique perspective. Starting his career in the resort community of Palm Springs gave Steve an exceptional opportunity to work with many cutting-edge architects, designers and builders who were pushing the limits of modern construction and sustainability. At a robust time in our economy, affluent clients were snapping up exclusive, sprawling properties at a fraction of the price in other markets. This building excitement, along with the established mid-century modern architecture and extreme environmental conditions the desert is known for, gave rise to a very competitive exploration of unique design applications with a focus on a responsible integration into the unforgiving natural landscape. With this vast exposure planted firmly in his psyche, Steve pursued a degree of Architecture at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. There, he excelled as a leader among his peers and gained praise from his professors due to his committed work ethic and highly detailed, creative projects. Throughout his career, Steve has held such titles as Architectural Design Engineer, Production Manager, Quality Control Supervisor, Account Executive, Operations Manager, Kitchen Designer, 20-20 CAD Trainer and Sales Representative. With a wide verity of experience and a natural designer’s eye, Steve has become a stand-out in the building industry. Molly Pearson Molly Pearson currently works for the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District as their Planning & Grants Supervisor. Since graduating from UCSB, she has worked in the field of air quality and environmental planning at local air districts and as a consultant. At the Santa Barbara air district, Molly has been involved in CEQA review, developing air quality plans, grants and incentive programs, clean transportation infrastructure, green business programs, and public education and outreach. In her personal life, Molly has remodeled her home to be energy efficient, drives an electric vehicle, and also has rooftop solar. Peggy J. Sonoda A designer at RRM Design Group for the last 12 years, Peggy obtained LEED AP status in 2009. Her current stint at RRM follows nearly 30 years of capital and campus planning first at San Jose State then UC Santa Cruz. As part of the design team she works with clients and owners of public and private projects to develop sustainable project strategies and pursue LEED Certification. Peggy worked on previous C4 Award Winning projects including the Pinnacles National Monument Visitor Center (LEED Platinum) and last year’s award winner, PG&E’s Kendall Road campus. Peggy lives in rural Cambria with her husband, sculptor and metal artist Michael Reddell, and a boisterous flock of chickens. 2017 Green Awards The juried awards process is based on specific criteria for each award category. Awards are presented at this year’s Green Awards Gala on November 4th, 2017. Note: For future reference, the Green Awards will be held every odd year and the Green Schools Gala will be held every even year going forward. Not a member yet? Has your membership lapsed? Join Now & save on Gala Tickets! _______________________________________ We are currently seeking sponsors for the Green Awards & Gala.Click the image below for the application. | GREEN AWARD WINNERS ARCHIVETake a look at past award winners! Thank you to this year's Sponsors for helping make this event possible! PLATINUMGOLD